

Dr. Jie Min Departure Notice

Date Posted: 
October 19, 2022 4:12 pm

Oct 19, 2022

Dear patients,

It has been an incredible experience working with you over the last nine years. I have met so many amazing people through this job, and I am very grateful for the trust you have placed in me over the years.

It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing my departure from Welland McMaster Family Health Team. My last day will be Dec 18, 2022 and I plan on retiring from family medicine permanently. It was a very difficult decision but ultimately the best one for me and my family.

I have spent a long time looking for a replacement but unfortunately I could not find a physician to take my place. None of the other doctors at our clinic are accepting new patients. I will continue my search in the next few weeks and send you another letter if I find someone. In the meantime, I encourage you to look for a new physician listed on Niagara Region’s website (https://www.niagararegion.ca/health/find-a-doctor.aspx), and register at Health Care Connect (https://hcc3.hcc.moh.gov.on.ca/HCCWeb/faces/layoutHCCHomePage.xhtml) after Dec 18 to help with your search for a new primary care provider.

I also encourage you to contact your pharmacy and ask them to send me a faxed request for prescription renewals. I will renew your prescriptions for 1 year, free-of-charge, and no appointment is required. I will not be seeing any patients from now on, but you can continue to request same day services (eg. nurse practitioner, after hours clinic) for urgent medical issues until Dec 18.

Your electronic medical records will be stored at our clinic for a minimum of 10 years. Even after my departure, you can call the office and request a copy of your records or a direct transfer to your new doctor for a standard fee.

Details regarding my departure will be available on our website (https://wellandmcmasterfht.com/) and Facebook page.

Thank you for your understanding, and it has truly been a privilege knowing you. The kindness I’ve experienced within our community has been overwhelming and unforgettable. I wish you all the best, now and always.




Jie Min, MD

Welland McMaster Family Health Team