
Employee and Placement Student Code of Conduct

As a responsible organization, Welland McMaster Family Health Team is committed to conducting its affairs to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, honesty, fairness and professionalism every day.  The way that we achieve our goals is paramount to the success of the organization.  Every employee and placement student are responsible to safeguard the reputation of the Welland McMaster Family Health Team by complying with the code of conduct.

The code of conduct for employees and placement students is rooted in the values of the Welland McMaster Family Health Team and reflects a culture of ethical conduct and accountability.  Employees and placement students have a personal responsibility to act ethically and comply with the law.  Compliance with the code of conduct is mandatory.

Not every situation that an employee or placement student encounters can be addressed in this code of conduct.  The Welland McMaster Family Health Team expects employees and placement students to apply the principles and exercise judgement that reflect the intent and spirit of these guidelines.  When an issue arises and the resolution is not clear, then employees and placement students are expected to reach out to the Executive Director for guidance.